LOT 226
A Lescha electric cement mixer, the tipping machine on trolley stand - A/F.
Estimate: £40 - £60
LOT 227
A Dunlop trolley compressor on cast iron stand with rubber tired wheels, the pump action machine with brass cylinder - working. (32.5in)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 228
A Victorian mahogany library table, with leather skiver to gadroon carved top, the frieze with four oak lined drawers alternating with dummy drawers, supported on tapering shell & acanthus carved legs with ball & claw feet. (42in x 31in)
Estimate: £150 - £250
LOT 229
A quantity of wrought iron garden railings in hooped rectangular panels complete with square metal fenceposts - each section 67.5in x 32.5in, 21 sections and enough to fence approx 132 ft allowing for posts. (A lot)
Estimate: £100 - £150
LOT 230
An eastern chenille carpet woven in pastel shades having charcoal field with scalloped central medallion of stars, arrows, crescents, flags, swords, etc., framed by similar spandrels, the frieze with four cyrillic panels within a flowerhead band. (137in x 108in)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 231
A Victorian mahogany chest of drawers, with rectangular crossbanded top above a long hidden frieze drawer, the chest with two short and three long graduated drawers above a shaped apron, raised on bracket feet. (48.75in x 21.25in x 47in)
Estimate: £100 - £150
LOT 232
A bottle shaped art glass vase with internal waved bands on olive ground with tubular rim; and a pair of oak biscuit barrels & covers with swing handles. (3)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 233
A nineteenth century mahogany bowfronted commode with later alterations, having two flame veneered boxwood strung doors above a cupboard modelled as two drawers, raised on bracket feet. (25in x 20.25in x 31in)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 234
Thirteen beech spindleback kitchen chairs with arched back rails and solid rounded seats, raised on turned legs & stretchers. (13)
Estimate: £100 - £150
LOT 235
A 60s teak trolley table, the top shelf framed by gallery raised on turned legs with castors; and a rectangular folding table. (2)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 236
A William IV mahogany satinwood crossbanded dressing table mirror, the rectangular plate supported on angled ring-turned columns above a platform with three small inlaid drawers, having bobbin quadrant corners to base on turned feet. (21in)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 237
A boxed heart shaped loose Bolivian amethyst of approx 0.9 carats; a cased pair of oval pink amethysts weighing 2 carats; a boxed oval African amethyst; and a round African amethyst of approx 1 carat. (4)
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 238
A pine double bed with arched moulded headboard & tailboard framed by square cornerposts with turned finials, the side rails complete with slats. (63.5in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 239
An Afghan rug woven with three rectangular linked medallions on fawn field, framed by frieze of octagonal panels bordered by flowerheads within a hooked rim - holed. (91in x 66in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 240
A reproduction mahogany bowfronted open bookcase with arched back above four graduated ribbed shelves, the base with brass knobbed cockbeaded drawer, raised on bracket feet. (28in x 10in x 45in)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 241
A pine kneehole desk or dressing table, with rectangular moulded top above a central arched apron frieze drawer, framed by pedestals each with three knobbed drawers, raised on moulded plinths. (59.5in x 17.5in x 30.25in)
Estimate: £70 - £90
LOT 242
A Nutool electric scroll saw with adjustable platform to bench machine; a Plasplugs contractor plus electric tile cutter with grooved table; and a Wolf electric bench grinder. (3)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 243
An Edwardian mahogany wardrobe with caddy top above an oval bevelled mirror door flanked by floral ribbon scrolled marquetry panels, the base with long drawer raised on bracket feet. (46.5in x 17in x 77.5in)
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 244
A circular landing net by Sharpes of Aberdeen; a folding German telescopic landing net; two salmon tailers; a rod tube with sling; and a square section Kis rod box with sling - with lid. (6)
Estimate: £10 - £15
LOT 245
A Staffordshire Keeling & Co Losol ten-sided jardiniere, the pot decorated with fruit & butterflies to panels beneath a scrolled leaf frieze, the moulded foot & rim with gilded band. (11.25in x 8.5in)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 246
A tribal carved stool, formed from a log with circular dished seat on shaped supports above mound plinth; and a rectangular linen upholstered footstool on stub cabriole legs. (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 247
A black composition doll, the disembodied toy in parts needing re-stringing, including growler, sleep eye mechanism, etc. (19in)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 248
A folding garden table & chair set, with square pine table and four white painted chairs having rectangular frames and wood seats. (5)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 249
A circular C19th mahogany folding table on ring-turned legs & stretchers. (40in dia x 29.5in)
Estimate: £40 - £60
LOT 250
A complete set of full size snooker balls with mahogany triangle. (23)
Estimate: £30 - £40