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A large Victorian Browns bible published by Blackie with numerous engraved illustrations, gilt edges, elaborate embossed gilt tooled leather covers with engraved brass clasps.
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 10
A collection of Penguin books - 44 blue biographies including Ariel (Penguin 1), 20 pink travel & adventures, 8 grey world affairs including John Hersey Hiroshima, 70 science news and 17 new biology. (159)
Estimate: £80 - £120
LOT 14
A quantity of books - biographies, novels, travel, a 93 Wisden, cookery, sport, gardening, antiques, Northumberland, etc. (130 approx)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 32
C20th Japanese, a pair, chalk & ink on fabric, water landscapes with sailboats and mountains, unsigned, in oak cushion moulded frames with gilt slips. (19in x 19in) (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 40
A quantity of books - travel, sport, cookery, fishing, antiques, countryside, reference, history, etc. (132 approx)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 50
A collection of miscellaneous books - Churchill’s English Speaking Peoples in four volumes, biographies, nature, art, coffee table travel volumes, poetry, Rebecca West Black Lamb & Grey Falcon in two volumes, novels, paintings, etc. (123)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 81
A box of childrens books - Wonderful World of Walt Disney and Walt Disney Parade titles, fairy tales, poetry, The Wind in the Willows, Alice in Wonderland, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, etc. (41)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 104
Edward S Curtis, Portraits of North American Indian Life, published 1972 by Promontory Press, an album of C20th photographic portraits of people and life of various tribes.
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 107
An 1863 edition of Coleridges Rime of the Ancient Mariner illustrated throughout by J Noel Paton, cloth bound and published in Edinburgh by McFarlane.
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 146
A quantity of miscellaneous books - seven leather bound bibles, a run of six Dickens, cricket, eight clothbound Arthur Ransome, history, six volumes of The War in Pictures, TE Lawrence, four leather bound Kiplings, fishing, Northumberland, etc. (110 approx)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 189
A quantity of books - cricket, reference. novels, a 1952 Wisden, childrens, some Victorian, a run of book club novels, biographies, fiction, travel, Northumberland, etc. (140 approx)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 212
Longton Hall Porcelain by Bemrose published 1906 with coloured illustrations throughout; Porcelain by Dillon - the connoisseurs library edition fully illustrated; Glass-Making in England by Powell published in 1923 with over 100 illustrations; and two V&A booklets on silver. (5)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 333
The War Illustrated, in ten volumes; Warenford church record book and hymnals; and various cookery books, adventure novels, etc. (26)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 354
A Victorian 1890 farm ledger containing handwritten accounts, quarter leather bound with marbled endpapers; and an Edwardian leatherbound photograph album with art nouveau embossed covers, colour printed pages and brass clasp. (2)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 496
Two Edwardian gilt tooled cloth bound collections of Country Life - 1903 and 1904. (2)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 621
A collection of miscellaneous books - photography, farming, some signed, country matters, some leather bound, biographies, Scottish Who’s Whos, reference, classics, novels, gardening, etc. (108 approx)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 797
MB Huish, The Seine and the Loire, with 61 steel engravings after JMW Turner, published by JS Virtue & Co - London, 1895.
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 832
Two boxes of art reference books, auction catalogues, associated periodicals, etc. (approx 80)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 934
A collection of childrens books - novels, puzzles, reference, Harry Potter, war, bedtime stories, dinosaurs, Roald Dahl, etc. (140 approx)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 1010
Miscellaneous childrens books - reference, novels, bedtime, Lego, adventure, comic, annuals, some vintage C20th, war, puzzles, Harry Potter, etc. (130 approx)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 1045
Eight volumes of the 1897 Henry Irving Shakespeare published by Blackie, with gilt tooled leather spines; a quarter leather bound volume of 1898 Strand Magazine; four wartime issues of Punch; and the 125th birthday commemorative issue. (14)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 1047
A set of 10 leatherbound works of JM Barrie; a set of 13 moroccan bound handy Shakespeares; a set of 12 leather bound Rudyard Kiplings; a set of 4 leather bound RL Stevensons; and 17 Border Leicester cloth bound stockbooks. (56)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 1053
Miscellaneous books - travel, nature, reference, Churchills Second World War - 3 vol, cookery, novels, a leather bound childrens bible, gardening, albums, etc. (115)
Estimate: £15 - £20
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