LOT 41
H Cisz, contemporary square oil on canvas, two boats on extensive seashore, signed & framed. (29.5in x 29.5in)
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 63
A Victorian leather and wood horse collar with iron mounts and arched crest, fitted with brass swinger bells. (41in x 21in)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 70
A leather cased set of 30s motoring maps of England and Wales, the four regions concertina folding maps laid on cotton.
Estimate: £40 - £60
LOT 99
A Dell 3400MP digital projector with remote control, power cable, case, owners manual, etc. (A lot)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 139
Eight metal typesetters trays containing a collection of Victorian printers boxwood type - various sizes and typefaces, numbers, punctuation, etc. (Approx 550 pieces)
Estimate: £60 - £80
LOT 149
A Truxrack roof rack with three square-section bars on brackets, one with back roller to ease roof access. (73.25in)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 163
Packs of new and unused photographic postcards by Neil Potts - views of Eyemouth, Berwick upon Tweed, Holy Island; and unused packs of cards with pictures by Frithjof Smith-Hald. (Approx. 21,400 cards)
Estimate: £50 - £80
LOT 164
A collection of tins - Cadburys van, George Horner sweets, Sharps toffees, Mitchells Prize Crop cigarettes, Glaxo Glucodin, Allenburys pastilles, etc. (26)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 167
Six miscellaneous cut glass decanters & stoppers - Stuart, a pair of Edinburgh ships type, baluster shaped engraved Port, square canted with ball stopper, etc. (6)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 176
A Malabar silver inlaid brass coconut vase with foliate decoration on a circular base, raised on leaf feet - 10.5in; and a Malayan/Ceylonese dagger with steel blade, brass elephant form pommel, bone grip and double-headed dragon guard - 15.25in. (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 190
A 50s Ecko valve radio, with mahogany case and woven mesh speaker above a glazed dial with bakelite knobs; and a Pye boxwood strung walnut wireless, with recessed mesh speaker and glazed dial with bakelite knobs. (2)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 201
Miscellaneous ladys accessories - a 30s boxed Jenners mink collar, a boxed Bective lace and kid handbag, a jewellery box containing costume pieces, a dressing table set, a boxed hand mirror and clothes brush, etc. (A lot)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 209
A leather suit carrier by Vaquetta; another in brown leather; a Pierre Cardin leather suitcase with maroon trim; and fourteen leather briefcases, document cases, wallets, etc. - cowhide, Pendragon, brass mounted, Texier, French, Keystone, Italian Revelation, Harrods, Filofax, Condotti, etc. (17)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 224
A Victorian gentlemans leather wash kit with chamfered cover and leather handle, containing a mirror, bone brush, strop and razor box; and a snakeskin mounted Victorian hip flask with silver plated mounts and cup by W Barrett of London. (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 227
A collection of twenty-seven electronic pocket pipe lighters by Rodan, HH, Scorpio, etc., with gilt, enamelled and geometric decoration - twenty-two boxed. (27)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 236
Six telescopic photography tripods - a boxed Velbron Sherpa 250n, a Velbron Super Stereo MS-3, a DigiPod TR-654, Cobra, etc. (6)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 248
A Dietz brass storm lantern with baluster shaped glass and oil burner; an aluminium thermos jug; and a pair of bun shaped painted candle lanterns of pierced lace design. (4)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 251
A boxed 8 stitch ultra lightweight sewing machine by Prolectrix; and a cased Singer sewing machine with cast iron japanned body on wood plinth. (2)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 266
A 1050s boxed set Weylux baby weighing scale by Guardian Baby Scales Ltd., the balance complete with instructions and sets of weights. (16in x 10.5in x 13.25in)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 289
A Victorian copper pear shaped gallon harvest jug; and a Victorian pewter C17th style tapering cylindrical pewter inkwell, the hinged cover framed by quill holders, on a moulded base. (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 297
Miscellaneous contemporary glass & ceramics - a set of wine glasses, a Royal Albert handpainted dinner set, jugs, a teapot, beer glasses, mugs, etc. (A lot)
Estimate: £15 - £20
LOT 311
A late Victorian quarter leather bound photograph album containing photographs of Hastings, Rye and the surrounding area - street scenes, coastal views, architecture, ruins, etc.
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 329
Miscellaneous metalware - a copper skillet, a wrought iron stand with copper spirit burners, a WWI shell case vase, a pair of Georgian style brass candlesticks, six pairs of miniature brass candlesticks, a smokers companion, a small jewellery box, steel hair curlers, etc. (A lot)
Estimate: £20 - £30
LOT 338
A C19th Austrian violin by Adolf Stowasser - Graz with twin piece back, ebony fingerboard and tailpiece, carved scroll, and a rosewood chin-rest; and a bow with mother-of-pearl inlaid frog and hexagonal nut. (2)
Estimate: £30 - £40
LOT 340
Miscellaneous collectors items - board games, playing cards, boxed diecast vehicles, a boxed students microscope, a pair of framed Berlin engravings, fur collars & cuffs, woolwork bell pull, metal and mineral eggs, horse brasses, a brass door knocker, etc. (A lot)
Estimate: £20 - £30